So its the start of 2017 and there is no planned events for the midwest northerners, after some deliberation with other members of the forum we have started to plan something out and lets get this condensed into one thread and get this thing planned!
Loacation: Lindstrom Minnesota hoefler's property?
Dates: to be determined (June 1 - 20? As requested by owner of property)
who?: military truck owners
why?: i like to think of this the same way as "why are you buying an army truck? because why the heck not?
what?: sounds like were planning at least an overnighter camp out, bonfires, little wheeling, some trails and from what Hoefler said a place to really get stuck if you want to
Anyone want to bring things for a mini swap meet as well?
Here's some drone footage cool looking place
Lets work on planing this thing well call it the first annual something or other lol... Generous offer from Hoefler for use of his property for this!