The above are the "Mechanic's Tips" for Allison transmissions, including the MT series. What is acceptable by Allison may be different depending on whether it is an MT, HT, or AT transmission, but by perusal of "both" publications you can see that for the MT series "on highway" trannys Alison would prefer you use their synthetic TES 295 for on highway use, or "TranSynd RD" for off highway use, but they also recognize Dexron (III at time of publication), C-4 hydraulic fluid, or even 0-20 wt motor oil (or at least they "recognize" it's use). C4 rated hydraulic fluid is acceptable for hard, off highway use. The manuals are pretty self explanatary, but I recognize they are "dated;" i.e., perhaps out of date. But their recommendations for our MT tranys were effective at their time of publication. You will have to carefully read both to get a clear perspective on their recommendations. There is minor lack of clarity in my mind, though, because when they talk about the MT 654 they specify the trans as MT 654CR? Is that our trans? Must be, because I cannot find any mechanical tips on an Allison MT654. No reference to such, that I can find, on their web site. But the general inferrence I take from this is that Dexron is fine for predominently on highway use, while 10 wt CR4 rated hyd fluid is for extreme off highway use.