Hmmm... Thank You bryfor. I have appreciated all who have commented. It was funny because my first car was a 1963 VW Bus. I took that thing apart and assembled it over 50 times, honestly. Engine and all. I have restored many VW's. I had always found out that there was a very important issue with the air cooled system. I know this thread was not for air cool, but relative in the way of engineering. There were parts to the VW air cooled system that did not seem to be of importance. I tried driving without them and would find temperature issues if there wasn't silly little metal/tin guards or covers. I would think, and one might think, that covering any part of the motor compartment, it would get warmer. Why not let it "Breath", or allow more air and wind get to the motor. It wasn't the case. Blew me away how some parts just didn't seem to matter, but did.